
Executive Leadership

Joseph Berninger

Co-Founder/Executive Director

  • Graduate of the University of Colorado (MA, Religious Studies)
  • Graduate of Xavier University (BA, History)
  • Former marketing representative for IBM
  • Has implemented development projects in Guatemala since 1997

As Executive Director, Joe is responsible for setting and overseeing Cooperative for Education’s organizational strategy, vision, and direction, as well as overall management and oversight of U.S. operations. Additionally, he expands COED’s reach through donor relationship management activities and co-leads strategic planning processes across offices. 

Joanne Wessels

General Director for Guatemala

  • 16 years of experience in development, including as a program director, interim country/executive director, and strategy consultant with various NGO’s and INGO’s in Guatemala
  • Coursework in Monitoring & Evaluation, Humanitarian Leadership, Early Childhood Development, and Sustainable Development Goals
  • Master’s Degree in Public Administration, University of Twente, The Netherlands with specialization in International Relations and European Integration

As General Director for Guatemala, Joanne plays a key role in shaping the strategic vision and direction of COED’s initiatives. She co-leads the strategic planning and program design processes to ensure alignment with organizational goals. Joanne also oversees the management, operations, and effectiveness of all programs in Guatemala, while cultivating strategic partnerships with local NGOs to drive long-term impact.

Program Strategy & Evaluation

Mayra Sidler Guzman

International Program Manager

  • Graduate of Northern Kentucky University (MPA; certificate in Nonprofit Management, BS, Sociology)
  • Experience in the nonprofit sector, including serving on the Board of Directors’ team of the Latino Leadership & College Experience Camp
  • Experience working in the education system as community liaison/interpreter

As International Program Manager, Mayra shapes the strategic planning process, oversees Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL), and optimizes systems and technology. She co-leads strategic initiatives, collaborates with teams in the U.S. and Guatemala, and consults with U.S. NGOs to share insights and best practices. 

Textbook Program

Harold Cóbar

Textbook Program Coordinator

  • 13 years of experience as Coordinator and Director for Magazine Futuro, Galileo University
  • Graduate of Galileo University, Guatemala (BA, Informatics and Business Administration)
  • Coursework in Quality and Reliability Management, Galileo University

As Textbook Program Coordinator, Harold is responsible for overall management of the program, including program design, implementation, effectiveness and revolving fund management. As part of the local leadership team, he plays a key role in setting the strategic direction for both the Texbook Program and COED’s overall program strategy.

Luis Xicay

Field Representative

  • Experience in education since 1993
  • Former Administrative Director at various public schools, including Cerritos Asunción

As a Field Representative, Luis is responsible for monitoring Textbook Program activities, including providing support to teachers and administrators in the program, making sure revolving fund payments are collected, and conducting program evaluations. He also provides tour support.


Alann Emilio Canel MonterrosoAlann Emilio Canel Monterroso

Field Representative and Teacher Trainer

  • Bachelor’s in Education with Specialization in Educational Administration at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.
  • Three years of experience as a teacher
  • 16 years of experience as a call center analyst and supervisor
  • Experience as a supervisor at CoEd since 2020

As a Field Representative and Teacher Trainer, Alann is responsible for coordinating teacher training and monitoring Textbook Program activities, including providing support to teachers and administrators in the program, making sure revolving fund payments are collected, and conducting program evaluations. He also provides tour support.

Maritza Rodriguez

Textbook Program Assistant

  • Experience as an assistant for various private companies
  • Coursework in Business Administration & Information Systems in FISICC-IDEA, Galileo University

As the Textbook Program Assistant, Maritza is responsible for carrying out the administrative processes that enable the program to function, such as managing program school records and providing secretarial support.

Sergio Geovanny Marroquín GómezSergio Geovanny Marroquín Gómez

Field Representative and Teacher Trainer

  • Bachelor´s in Education with Specialization in Physics and Mathematics at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.
  • 12 years of experience as a Education Teacher

As a Field Representative and Teacher Trainer, Sergio is responsible for coordinating teacher training and monitoring Textbook Program activities, including providing support to teachers and administrators in the program, making sure revolving fund payments are collected, and conducting program evaluations. He also provides tour support.

Technology Program (formerly known as the Computers Program)

Miguel Quinteros

Technology Program Coordinator

  • More than seven years of experience in finance at Credomatic of Guatemala and Distribuidora Alcazaren
  • Graduate of Mariano Galvez University, Guatemala City (BA, Business Administration)

As Technology Program Coordinator, Miguel is responsible for overall management of the program, including program design, implementation, effectiveness and revolving fund management. As part of the local leadership team, he plays a key role in setting the strategic direction for both the Technology Program and COED’s overall program strategy.

Leonel del Valle Rodríguez

Computer Center Regional Advisor

  • Graduate of Galileo University (BA, IT & Administration)
  • AAS in Computer at ACCESA Academy
  • Three years of experience as a Supervisor in ADRI Association
  • More than 11 years of experience as a computer teacher in different institutions such as Intecap, Da Vinci Univerisity

As Computer Center Regional Advisor, Leonel is responsible for center operations involving administrative, pedagogical, and technical management. He also prepares computers for installation in new centers.

Geovany Pérez

Computer Center Advisor

  • Seven years of experience as a computer and math teacher
  • Five years of experience providing technical and administrative support at Centro de Estudios Y Sistemas De Computación (CESC)
  • Currently studying Science and Systems Engineering at San Carlos University, Guatemala City

As a Computer Center Advisor, Geovany is responsible for center operations involving administrative, pedagogical, and technical management. He also prepares computers for installation in new centers.

Edwin Pú

Computer Center Advisor

  • Bachelors Degree in Science and Letters
  • Currently studying Systems Engineering, Mariano Galvez University
  • Four years of experience as an Area Supervisor and PC Maintenance Assistant at Centro General de Servicios y Empedrados Antigüeños

As Computer Center Advisor, Edwin is responsible for center operations involving administrative, pedagogical, and technical management. He also prepares computers for installation in new centers.

Mónica de Ramírez

Administrative Assistant

  • Eight years professional experience as an administrative assistant for various private companies
  • Volunteered in Honduras for a year and a half
  • Currently studying Business Administration at Mariano Gálvez University, Guatemala City

As Administrative Assistant, Monica supports and assists the Technology Program and provides training and meeting support.

Spark Reading Program

Rebeca Román

Spark Reading Program Coordinator

  • Five years of experience as a teacher
  • Two years of experience as an assistant professor at Rafael Landívar University
  • Three years of experience as a trainer and workshop facilitator
  • Graduate of Mariano Galvez University (MA, Education)
  • Graduate of Rafael Landívar University (BA, Early Childhood & Pre-Primary Education)

As Spark Program Coordinator, Rebeca is responsible for overall management of the program, including program design, implementation, effectiveness and curriculum and methodology. As part of the local leadership team, she plays a key role in setting the strategic direction for both the Spark Reading Program and COED’s overall program strategy.

Claudia María Salguero

Educational Trainer

  • Graduate of Rafael Landivar University (BA, Early Childhood & Pre-Primary Education)
  • Fifteen years of experience as a teacher
  • Experience as a trainer since 2020

As an Educational Trainer, Claudia trains teachers, conducts classroom observations, and helps with evaluation studies.

Milton Ramos

Educational Trainer

  • Six years of experience as a primary school teacher
  • Currently studying Human Rights at University of San Carlos of Guatemala
  • Graduate of Mesoamericana University (BA, Philosophy)

As an Educational Trainer, Milton trains teachers, conducts classroom observations, and helps with evaluation studies.


Kimberly Jérez

Educational Trainer

  • Graduate of University of Galileo (BA, Education)
  • Five years of experience as a teacher

As an Educational Trainer, Kimberly trains teachers, conducts classroom observations, and helps with evaluation studies.


Ana Victoria Rodas Andrade

Educational Trainer

  • Graduate of San Carlos de Guatemala University (BA. Educational Administration & BA. Psychology)
  • Graduate as a Pre Primary Education Teacher
  • Experience as teacher and trainer

As Educational Trainer for the Spark Program, Ana Victoria trains teachers, conducts classroom observations, and helps with evaluation studies.

Gloria Choxin

Administrative Assistant

  • Currently studying Business Administration at Galileo University
  • Experience as an administrative assistant since 2017

As Administrative Assistant, Gloria provides administrative support for the Spark Reading Program, including training and meeting support


Lisbeth Eugenia Ovando Hernández

Educational Trainer

  • Graduate of Rural de Guatemala University (BA, Educational Administration)
  • Graduate as a Primary Education Teacher
  • 15 years of experience as teacher and coordinator

As Educational Trainer for the Spark Program, Lisbeth trains teachers, conducts classroom observations, and helps with evaluation studies.

Rise Youth Development Program

Candida Acajabón

Rise Program Coordinator

  • Graduate of University of San Carlos of Guatemala (BA, Education)
  • Six years of experience as a teacher

As Rise Program Coordinator, Candi is responsible for overall management of the program, including program design, implementation, effectiveness and monitoring student academic performance. As part of the local leadership team, she plays a key role in setting the strategic direction for both the Rise Program and COED’s overall program strategy.

Cesar Juárez


  • Graduate of San Carlos University (BA, Education with a specialization in Educational Administration)
  • Experience in education since 2013

As a Supervisor for the Rise Program, Cesar is responsible for supporting program activities, and running workshops and youth development activities in the areas of San José Poaquil and Patzun​. He also assists with the selection of scholarship students, and coordinates with schools and other educational authorities.

Teresa Santelel

Local Facilitator

  • Graduate of Galileo University (BA, Education)
  • Four years of experience as a teacher

As a Local Facilitator for the Rise Program, Teresa is responsible for running workshops and youth development activities in San José Poaquil. She also assists in the selection of scholarship students, coordinates with schools and other educational authorities, and prepares and delivers supplies to students.

Maribel Pérez

Local Facilitator

  • High school graduate with a certification in teaching
  • Five years of experience as a teacher

As a Local Facilitator for the Rise Program, Maribel is responsible for running workshops and youth development activities in the area of Paley in San José Poaquil. She also assists in the selection of scholarship students, coordinates with schools and other educational authorities, and prepares and delivers supplies to students.

Sandra Capen

Administrative Assistant

  • Graduate of San Carlos University (BA, Education)
  • Three years of experience as a teacher
  • Graduate of the Rise Program (2011)

As Administrative Assistant for the Rise Program, Sandra provides administrative support to the Local Facilitators, Supervisors, and Coordinator.

Yesica Candelaria Xinico Ajú

Local Facilitator

  • BA in Social Work with an emphasis in Development Management
  • Graduate as a Pre-Primary Education Teacher
  • 8 years of experience working with young people in NGOs, as a field technician

As a Local Facilitator for the Rise Program, Yesica is responsible for running workshops and youth development activities in Patzún, Chimaltenango. She also assists in the selection of scholarship students, coordinates with the schools and other educational authorities and prepares and delivers supplies to students.

Axel Isaías Illú Quiej

Local Facilitator

  • Graduate as a Primary Education Teacher
  • 13 years of experience as a teacher

As a Local Facilitator for the Rise Program, Axel is responsible for running workshops and youth development activities in San Pedro Yepocapa. He also assists in the selection of scholarship students, coordinates with the schools and other educational authorities and prepares and delivers supplies to students

Angela Dayane Rodríguez Magzul

Local Facilitator

  • Studying Education with Specialization in Educational Administration at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.
  • Graduate as a Bilingual Early Childhood Education Teacher
  • 2 years of experience as a teacher

As a Local Facilitator for the Rise Program, Angela is responsible for running workshops and youth development activities in Cerritos Asunción, Chimaltenango. She also assists in the selection of scholarship students, coordinates with the schools and other educational authorities, and prepares and delivers supplies to students.

Balvy Yadira Monroy Vásquez

Local Facilitator

  • Bachelor´s in Education with Specialization in Educational Administration at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.
  • Graduate as a Pre-primary Education Teacher
  • 8 years of experience as a teacher

As a Local Facilitator for the Rise Program, Yadira is responsible for running workshops and youth development activities in San Martin Jilopeque. She also assists in the selection of scholarship students, coordinates with the schools and other educational authorities, and prepares and delivers supplies to students.

Dalia Azucena Xoc Puac

Local Facilitator

  • Bachelor´s in Education at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.
  • Graduate as a Primary Education Teacher
  • 5 years of experience as a teacher

As a Local Facilitator for the Rise Program, Dalia is responsible for running workshops and youth development activities in Santiago Sacatepéquez. She also assists in the selection of scholarship students, coordinates with the schools and other educational authorities and prepares and delivers supplies to students.

Nancy Abigaíl Salazar García

Local Facilitator

  • Bachelor´s in Education with Specialization in Educational Administration at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.
  • Graduate as a Primary Education Teacher
  • 6 years of experience as a teacher

As a Local Facilitator for the Rise Program, Nancy is responsible for running workshops and youth development activities in Santo Tomas, Magdalena y Santa Lucia Milpas Altas Sacatepéquez. She also assists in the selection of scholarship students, coordinates with the schools and other educational authorities and prepares and delivers supplies to students.


Liza O’Neal


  • Finance professional with 10+ years’ experience in cost accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, and operational controlling.

As Controller, Liza is responsible for overseeing the organization’s financial operations, accounting processes, and reporting functions.


Aníbal Colindres

Financial Coordinator

  • 11 years of experience with Save the Children Guatemala
  • Graduate of Mariano Gálvez University (BA, Business Administration)

As Financial Coordinator, Aníbal oversees payroll, expense, and income accounting, and manages financial reporting. As a member of the local leadership team, he plays a key role in setting COED’s program strategy.


Elda Aguilar


  • Former General & Assistant Accountant for various private companies
  • Graduate of Panamericana University (BA, Accounting)

As an Accountant, Elda is responsible for maintaining the proper functioning of accounts through effective accounting organization and administrative support.


Andersson Hernández

Accounting Specialist

  • High school graduate with a certification in accounting
  • Currently studying accounting at Da Vinci University
  • Four years of experience as a bank assistant

As Accounting Specialist, Andersson provides support with inventory, monthly travel reports, control of petty cash, writing checks, and other accounting activities.


Krista Jaeger

Finance & Development Specialist

  • 20+ years’ experience with Account Management, Corporate Social Responsibility Program Development, Data gathering, and Analysis for Reporting.
As Finance & Development Specialist, Krista helps as support for Development and Donation Processing and serves as Finance Assistant to the CFO.



IT & Operations

Horacio Samayoa

Operations Director

  • Former rural development coordinator for CARE in Alta Verapaz
  • Graduate of San Carlos University (BA, Agronomic Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources)

As Operations Director, Horacio manages central operations in the Guatemala office, including organizational development, finance, and legal work. He also supports the programs through planning and process improvement.

Emy Pérez

Human Resources Coordinator

  • Eight years of experience in the nonprofit sector
  • Former Logistics Assistant for Catholic Relief Services
  • Former Human Resources Assistant for CARE
  • Graduate of Mariano Galvez University (MA, Human Resources; BA, Business Administration)

As Human Resources Coordinator, Emy is responsible for human resources management, and for ensuring the application of general policies and procedures. She also provides tour support. As a member of the local leadership team, she plays a key role in setting COED’s program strategy.


Ann Dempsey, CFRE

Salesforce Product Director

  • Two decades of experience in the nonprofit sector, including work for the YWCA and Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Cincinnati
  • Graduate certificate in Nonprofit Management (Northern Kentucky University)
  • Graduate of Xavier University (BS, Computer Science)

As Salesforce Product Director and Senior Philanthropy Advisor, Ann is the resident Salesforce Administrator and loves to work closely with the development and program teams to identify, develop, and deploy improved business processes using Salesforce.

Yesica de León

Administrative Assistant & Receptionist

  • High school graduate with a certification in accounting
  • Graduate of the Rise Program (2017)
  • Currently studying business administration at Mariano Galvez University

As Administrative Assistant & Receptionist, Yesica provides support with phone calls.  She also coordinates messaging, and provides administrative support to the Human Resources Coordinator.

Dany Donis

Warehouse & Logistics Officer

  • High school graduate with a certification in accounting
  • Four years of experience as a warehouse assistant with Save the Children and Arte Fino Company

As Warehouse & Logistics Officer, Dany is responsible for warehouse reporting and textbook inventory control. He also oversees CoEd’s fleet of vehicles.


Samuel Molina

Maintenance Messenger

  • More than 12 years experience as a pilot messenger

Samuel (Felipe) manages general maintenance and messenger duties for the Guatemala office complex.



Vilma Monterroso


Vilma manages the cooking, cleaning, and general hospitality necessary for running the CoEd Guatemala office.




Julio Asturias


  • Eight years of experience in hospitality

Julio manages the cleaning and general hospitality necessary for running the CoEd Guatemala office.



Alvaro Rodríguez

IT Assistant

  • Two years of experience as a computer technician.
  • Studying Information Systems at Mariano Galvez University.

As an IT Assistant, Alvaro is responsible for inventory control, maintenance of COED staff computers, and technical support of the computer centers.


Edith Cruz

Systems Support & Development Coordinator

  • Currently pursuing a Bachelors in Business Information Systems at the Northern Kentucky University.
  • Experience in the nonprofit sector since 2018, including serving on the Board of Directors’ team of the Latinx Leadership & College Experience camp.
  • Experience working in Higher Education since 2018 in various departments but mainly as a student/community liaison to support Education Equity access through culturally responsive and multilingual strategic planning.

As Systems Support & Development Coordinator, Edith assists in maintaining CoEd’s databases along with providing support with projects happening across all of our systems and troubleshooting any IT issues that our staff may encounter on a day-to-day basis.


Abby Gaide

Director of Development

  • Graduate of the University of Cincinnati (MA, US History)
  • Graduate of Valparaiso University (BA, History)
  • Experience in the nonprofit sector since 2015, including work for the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati

As Director of Development, Abby is responsible for the overall fundraising strategy and manages a portfolio of individual, foundation, and institutional donor relationships.

Howard Lobb

Director of Partner Development

  • Eight years of experience working in the technology industry for Lexmark, B/E Aerospace, and
  • Graduate of Valparaiso University (BS, Mechanical Engineering)
  • Experience implementing development projects in Guatemala since 1999
  • Co-Founder of CoEd’s Computer Center Division in 2001

As Director of Partner Development, Howard is responsible for collaboration and relationships with supporters in Guatemala and the U.S., as well as with partner nonprofits in Guatemala.

Jessica Stieritz

Liaison to Rotary International

  • Professional experience in the nonprofit sector since 2000, including work for Peace & Justice Programs at Xavier University and time as a Jesuit Volunteer
  • Graduate of Xavier University (BA, English)
  • Member of the Rotary Club of Cincinnati

As Liaison to Rotary International, Jessica is responsible for coordinating CoEd’s partnership with Rotary clubs around the world, known as the Guatemala Literacy Project. She also manages the grants process with Rotary International, advises the Project Tours team, and contributes to other special projects.

Lisa Groh

Senior Grants and Strategy Manager

  • Professional experience in nonprofit grant writing and website design since 2008
  • Graduate of the University of Cincinnati (MA, English & Professional Writing)
  • Graduate of Muskingum University (BA, English, Psychology)
  • Member and Past President (2021-22) of the Rotary Club of Byesville

As Senior Grants and Strategy Manager, Lisa manages the majority of foundation relationships, prepares grant reports and proposals, and manages the annual update of program statistics and stories. She also coordinates with CoEd’s partner Rotarians on the Rotary International grants process for the Guatemala Literacy Project.

Amanda Wirthlin

Senior Individual Giving Officer

  • Professional experience working with nonprofits in Central America since 2013, including two years based in Antigua, Guatemala
  • Graduate of Anderson University (BA in Business Management, 2010)
  • Graduate of University of Cincinnati, College of Allied Health Sciences (MA, 2020)
  • Certified Speech Language Pathologist, currently serving Spanish-speaking families in Wilmington, NC

As Senior Individual Giving Officer, Amanda communicates with Major Gift donors and sponsors to steward gifts and collaborate on funding opportunities in order to reach more families in Guatemala.

Jaclyn Lynch

Senior Development Coordinator

  • Graduate of Ohio University (BA, Sociology; MA, Sociology)
  • Experience in the nonprofit sector since 2017​, including work with Restavek Freedom

As Senior Development Coordinator, Jaclyn manages CoEd’s tours to Guatemala and other special events.


McKinley Wagner

Sponsorship Coordinator

  • Graduate of Eastern Kentucky University (BA, Spanish)
  • Three years of experience working in International Education

As Sponsorship Coordinator, McKinley is responsible for program communications and updates to sponsors. She also helps with data maintenance and other projects. 


Jenny Rios

Development Specialist

  • Graduate of California State University, Channel Islands (B.A Political Science, B.A. Global Studies)
  • Experience working in Education at a collegiate and college prep level
As Development Specialist, Jenny is responsible for supporting staff with everyday operations in addition to assisting with connecting donors with students and schools in Guatemala.


Ligia Quezada

Donor Visit Specialist

  • Graduate of Francisco Marroquín University (BA, Communication Sciences)
  • Bilingual secretary
  • More than 15 years of experience in sales and coordinating tours

As Donor Visit Specialist, Ligia is responsible the details tour planning and logistics for school visits and more. Coordinate with program field teams and schools to arrange and schedule school visits and school experiences.

Savannah Gulick

Donor Relations Coordinator

  • Graduate of University of Cincinnati (BA Spanish, BA International Relations)
  • Experience working in education as a Spanish teacher
  • Experience in the nonprofit sector (including Peace Corps)

As Donor Relations Coordinator, Savannah is responsible for supporting CoEd’s tours to Guatemala, Guatemala Literacy Project fundraising and donation processing, and the Major Gift team in stewarding gifts and communicating with donors.

Ashley Pinnell

Development Coordinator

  • Graduate of Santa Clara University (BA Communications, MA Education)
  • Experience in the education sector since 2016, including admissions and higher education

As Development Coordinator, Ashley supports the Grants team with maintaining foundation and corporate relationships, prospect research, and grants cycles. She also works to engage new and active Rotary clubs to increase program support.

David Gehret

Development Coordinator

  • Graduate of University of Cincinnati (BA Organizational Leadership)
  • Experience in the collegiate education sector specifically billing, payments, and registration

As Development Coordinator, David supports the Major Gifts team with being a contact for donors, tours and Rise prospecting, and volunteer coordination.


Emily Swisher

Marketing & Outreach Manager

  • Nonprofit experience in marketing and communications since 2015, including work for the Holocaust and Humanity Center as a Scripps Howard Intern
  • Experience in for-profit sector in office management, marketing, and human resources
  • Graduate of Northern Kentucky University (BA, Writing Studies and Education)

As the Marketing & Outreach Manager, Emily is responsible for managing marketing campaigns to grow CoEd’s visibility and support, including through recruitment of tour participants and program sponsors.

Joy Chou

Communications Specialist

  • Graduate of the University of Kentucky (BA, Arts Administration)
  • Experience in the nonprofit sector since 2020, including work for the University of Kentucky, Central Music Academy, and the Smithsonian Institution

As Communications Specialist, Joy is responsible for executing CoEd’s marketing strategy, including content creation, as well as social media and website management.