It’s officially Fall! And you know what that means—no, not pumpkin spiced lattes (but we admit we love them too)—it’s Rise student packet season! The time of year when students in the Rise Youth Development Program get to showcase their accomplishments and share...
Rise Program student Carmen completed her teaching practicum in the midst of COVID-19. Here she is delivering a virtual lesson to her students! Students like Carmen are proof that CoEd’s Rise Youth Development Program serves some remarkable young women. Through a...
Just like throwing a stone into a pond, sponsoring a student in the Rise Youth Development Program creates ripples that not only impact one student’s life for the better, but continues to impact generation after generation of students in Guatemala. But don’t...
Dear Sponsors, It’s a pleasure for me to write to you and to share what the Rise Team in CoEd has been up to. We have maintained communication with each other, transmitting confidence, strength, security, and above all, a positive attitude (which undoubtedly...
Sponsoring a student is a one-to-one relationship between a Guatemalan student and the donor who makes it possible for the student to continue in school past sixth grade. But sponsoring a student in CoEd’s Rise Program is so much more than just providing an academic...
Education made this possible. Ancelma was born in the Western Highlands of Guatemala, where 95% of students never graduate from high school. Through Cooperative for Education’s programs, Ancelma beat these odds, earned her diploma, and broke the cycle of poverty in...