Meet Our New Board Members

As everyone knows, it’s the season to be thankful and here at CoEd, we have seven new Board members to be extra thankful for this year!  In just a little over a year, we almost doubled the size of our Board of Directors. With seven new smiling faces comes even...

Meet Adoptees With Guatemalan Roots

The following post was written by the Adoptee Advocates of Adoptees With Guatemalan Roots. If you want to learn more about this organization, head over to Over 30,000 children were adopted from Guatemala before international adoption closed in...

CoEd’s Commitment to Equality

For the past 24 years, Cooperative for Education has fought against poverty, racism, and injustice in Guatemala. We seek to provide educational opportunities to rural, indigenous Guatemalans, who have historically suffered the highest levels of discrimination and...

Guest Blogger: Lilly Gieseke

The following post was written by CoEd supporter and tour veteran, Lilly Gieseke. I wanted to tell you all about the Helping Hands Tour, during which you stay at one school for the entire week, painting it and getting to know the people there. This is mixed with a...

Your support is helping thousands of students learn from home!

For years your gifts have helped Guatemalan communities—some of the poorest and most illiterate people in the world—transform their quality of education. And those gifts continue to help today, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although schools are closed in...