As a CoEd supporter, you know the value of education. You’ve put textbooks into the hands of Guatemalan students for the first time, witnessed students demonstrating their tech skills in brand new computer centers, seen classrooms transform under the skill of a trained teacher, and celebrated the accomplishments of students in the Scholarship & Youth Development Program. That’s why we are thrilled to share that the UN has put new emphasis on the value of education too! You may have heard that in 2015, the UN laid out 17 sustainable development goals to transform our world. Well, not only is quality education one of those goals, but a separate report by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) explained that education is critical to achieving all of the goals!
This Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report was prepared using research gathered by educational experts and institutions from around the world. Read on to learn how the GEM Report connected education to each sustainable development goal and how your support of CoEd (especially our Scholarship Program) is moving the world closer to each one!
Goal 1: “Education is critical to lifting people out of poverty.”
Goal 2: “Education plays a key role in helping people move towards more sustainable farming methods, and in understanding nutrition.”
Goal 3: “Education can make a critical difference to a range of health issues, including early mortality, reproductive health, spread of disease, healthy lifestyles and well-being.”
Goal 5: “Education for women and girls is particularly important to achieve basic literacy, improve participative skills and abilities, and improve life chances.”
Goal 6: “Education and training increase skills and the capacity to use natural resources more sustainably and can promote hygiene.”
Goal 8: “There is a direct link among such areas as economic vitality, entrepreneurship, job market skills and levels of education.”
Goal 9: “Education is necessary to develop the skills required to build more resilient infrastructure and more sustainable industrialization.”
Goal 10: “Where equally accessible, education makes a proven difference to social and economic inequality.”
Goal 12: “Education can make a critical difference to production patterns (e.g. with regard to the circular economy) and to consumer understanding of more sustainably produced goods and prevention of waste.”
Goal 14: “Education is important in developing awareness of the marine environment and building proactive consensus regarding wise and sustainable use.”
Goal 16: “Social learning is vital to facilitate and ensure participative, inclusive and just societies, as well as social coherence.”
Goal 17: “Lifelong learning builds capacity to understand and promote sustainable development policies and practices.”
That’s not all! The GEM Report also explained that…
Goal 7: “Educational programmes, particularly non-formal and informal, can promote better energy conservation and uptake of renewable energy sources.”
Goal 11: “Education can give people the skills to participate in shaping and maintaining more sustainable cities, and to achieve resilience
in disaster situations.”
Goal 13: “Education is key to mass understanding of the impact of climate change and to adaptation and mitigation, particularly at the local level.”
Goal 15: “Education and training increase skills and capacity to underpin sustainable livelihoods and to conserve natural resources and biodiversity, particularly in threatened environments.”
These goals are being achieved thanks to YOU and others like you who support education around the world. Thank you for your ceaseless passion for Guatemalan students!