CoEd’s Response to COVID-19

We’re in the process of complying with Government Agreement 229-2014: Regulations on Health and Security at Work and its reforms Government Agreement 79-2020 and 146-2020. In times like these where most things are uncertain, we know that there’s one thing we can...

Sparking Creativity During COVID-19

These past few months have been incredibly challenging for everyone around the world, especially for our brothers and sisters in Guatemala. Schools remain closed, leaving millions of students to continue their education from home. And to add to the problem, many...

The Rise Ripple Effect

Just like throwing a stone into a pond, sponsoring a student in the Rise Youth Development Program creates ripples that not only impact one student’s life for the better, but continues to impact generation after generation of students in Guatemala. But don’t...

Guest Blogger: Lilly Gieseke

The following post was written by CoEd supporter and tour veteran, Lilly Gieseke. I wanted to tell you all about the Helping Hands Tour, during which you stay at one school for the entire week, painting it and getting to know the people there. This is mixed with a...

A Message from Evelyn Roquel, Rise Program Coordinator

Dear Sponsors, It’s a pleasure for me to write to you and to share what the Rise Team in CoEd has been up to. We have maintained communication with each other, transmitting confidence, strength, security, and above all, a positive attitude (which undoubtedly...