Tours to Guatemala: A Lasting Impact

Keep hearing us gush about tours, but finding it hard to imagine what it’s actually like to travel to Guatemala on a CoEd tour? One day you might find yourself in the beautiful, colonial city of Antigua…   Or on a boat in the middle of Lake Atitlán.  ...

Yoselyn: Driven to Make a Difference

Driven. Determined. Persistent. These are just a few of the amazing qualities that students in CoEd’s Rise Program possess. After all, you have to be pretty determined to even make it to middle school in rural Guatemala where more than 6 out of 10 kids don’t make it...

A Child Who Reads Is an Adult Who Thinks

Think back to first grade. Do you remember your teacher? Do you remember walking into your classroom and seeing labels all around the room to help you learn to read words like “door”, “clock”, “desk”? Unfortunately, first graders in...

STEM-Savvy Rise Scholars

Clara Barton. Marie Curie. Margaret Hutchinson Rousseau. What do these people have in common? (Cue Jeopardy music.) What is “women in STEM”? You got it! Barton, Curie, and Hutchinson Rousseau all used their STEM (aka: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)...

Riding with Augusto

While in Guatemala on a project tour this February, I got to climb into a truck with one of our Textbook Program Coordinators and ask him about his work. Augusto Bal is a jolly, Mayan grandpa of a man whose presence immediately calms and gladdens the heart. He has 23...