You really can find anything on the internet. That’s what Ben Chapman learned when he stumbled upon CoEd’s website while looking online for volunteer opportunities. Ben, a retired P&G Product Developer, read about CoEd’s mission and was impressed with the results being achieved in Guatemala. Interest piqued, he decided to try us out. We sure are glad he gave us a call.

Ben dazzles us once a week with his incredible know-how and capability. Here he is diligently completing tasks in the volunteer work space.
“I wanted to give back some of my expertise and experiences from my previous career. I worked and traveled internationally for P&G as a manager for about 25 years. I have seen local underprivileged people all over Latin America, Northern Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe and Asia and wanted to help,” explains Ben.
We can’t believe that Ben has already been volunteering in the Cincinnati office for almost a year (that’s enough time to bring an entire baby to term and potty train her. Wait, no, not potty train? They aren’t potty trained until when???)!
Regardless, we are super lucky that Ben continues to lend his time and talents with whatever task comes his way. Por ejemplo, using his experience in spreadsheets and product roll-out projections—don’t feel bad, I don’t know what that is either—he put together a five-year income projection for CoEd based on historical data. Impressive, right? Ben also helps out with research projects, preparing supplies for the CoEd Tours, general administrative support and performing the duties of the executive director (okay, maybe not that last one…).
As a P&G employee, Ben visited Guatemala three times. He fondly remembers meeting many local Guatemalans, which is why he was especially excited to return to Guatemala with CoEd on the most recent Snapshot Tour. He just got back a few weeks ago!
Ben says, “I think the good work being done by CoEd is obvious, and I like being involved in their efforts. I also think the local connections that CoEd has fostered is making a continuing improvement in the educational opportunities and programs in Guatemala.”
Well, thank you, Ben because we’re grateful you are involved…and that you danced like a maniac for the Harlem Shake ‘Guatemala Style’ (see 0:24).
Have you ever volunteered your time for an international organization?