The Martyrs of Cantel

This February, over 60 volunteers traveled to Guatemala on a Cooperative for Education tour to deliver textbooks, inaugurate computer centers, visit Culture of Reading Program classrooms, and meet or reunite with their Scholarship Program students. It was a...

Margaret Amara on Returning to Her Daughter’s Birth Country

Last month, you read about Kelsey Amara’s travels back to Guatemala, the country of her birth. She made her first return trip with her parents Margaret and Mark in 2004 and her second as a solo journey in 2017. The Amaras were one of the first adoptive families...

Kelsey Amara on Returning to Guatemala

“How would I feel when, as an adult, I walked through that door?” This is the question that wouldn’t leave Kelsey Amara’s mind as she prepared to travel back to Guatemala, the country where she was born, on Cooperative for Education’s 2017 Heritage Tour. “As an...

Mental Health Therapist Tisha Way Gaynor on Heritage Trips

Here at Cooperative for Education (CoEd), we believe in connecting people across countries. We believe that encountering the diversity of humanity changes us for the better. It’s a big part of the reason we invite you to visit Guatemala on our project tours each year....

Summer 2017 Tour Highlights

Twice a year our US staff packs up and heads south to share with CoEd supporters the beauty of Guatemala and the impact they’re having on its beautiful people. This summer’s tour season might, in fact, have been the largest one ever! Almost 80 people...

CoEd Staff Share Their Essential Guatemala Travel Items

Ever wondered what our seasoned, Guatemala-trotting staff make sure to always pack when they head to the Land of Eternal Spring? This month we took a survey to find out. Check out our favorite travel items and get excited for your next (or first!) Guatemalan...