2018 Report Card

Happy 2019! As you guys know, we here at CoEd are dedicated to data. We don’t want to simply deliver kick-butt programs—we want some hard numbers to tell us if they’re working! (In fact, we’re kinda nerds about it…) To that end, every year we test each of our programs...

Delivery! 2017 by the Numbers

The new school year got underway in Guatemala last month and we wanted to give you a quick look at what you’re making possible in 2017. (And you know we can’t pass up an opportunity to share cute photos!) So without further ado, take a look at the...

Scholarship Graduate Survey: Results Are In

There is nothing like KNOWING that you have changed someone’s life, and our recent survey of Scholarship & Youth Development Program graduates proves that YOU have done just that. Scholarship graduates see the world differently when they finish the program,...

Look what you’re accomplishing in 2016

The new Guatemalan school year started a few months ago and all the programs are running in high gear! So it’s about time you know what exactly your support is accomplishing in 2016. Check out these impressive stats! That’s a lot of smiling faces you make...

How many lives are you changing in 2015?

Here at CoEd, we like looking at the numbers. They prove that each and every one of YOU are changing lives, one student at a time. How many lives, exactly? 39,823! Your incredible generosity is making this possible in 2015, and we are grateful.  We also want to report...

Education in Action Series: Computers

Those numbers don’t lie. Computer skills are absolutely crucial to breaking the cycle of poverty in Guatemala.  Remember Ivonne Barrios? She finally had the opportunity to use technology in the classroom, and is now ready to take on the world! Without...