2023 Report Card

The pandemic has left us in uncharted territory. But CoEd programs are up to the challenge of leading the way forward—from the Spark Program’s new initiatives for foundational learning recovery at the earliest levels, all the way to the Rise Program, which is getting...

Students: The Future of Guatemala

A disheartening 90% of kids in rural Guatemala who are living in poverty never graduate from high school. This means that schools in rural Guatemala are essentially dropout factories continuing the cycle of illiteracy and limited opportunities. [1] According to USAID,...

2021 Report Card

Last year’s numbers are in! And unlike our PE grades in middle school, we can’t wait to bring them home to show you. 2021 was another challenging year–we all felt the effects of the pandemic in one way or another–but our spirits remained strong, and the...

2020 Report Card

Report cards are in! 2020 was a wild ride (to say the least), but we’re excited and proud to share how our programs performed last year, despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic. Although schools were physically closed last year, students in our...

2019 Report Card

Report cards are in! As the next decade begins (I know, we can’t believe it either!), it’s time for us to reflect on how our programs performed in 2019 and share our findings with you, the people who make this all possible. Here at CoEd, we evaluate the...

A Child Who Reads Is an Adult Who Thinks

Think back to first grade. Do you remember your teacher? Do you remember walking into your classroom and seeing labels all around the room to help you learn to read words like “door”, “clock”, “desk”? Unfortunately, first graders in...