Education in Action Series: Culture of Reading

What does a classroom in the Culture of Reading Program look like? When you enter a CORP classroom you’ll see students reading aloud in small groups, teachers gathering their kids into reading circles, or students creating their very own storybooks. This may...

Scholarship Graduate Survey Infographic

We always knew that our scholarship students were rock stars, but it’s nice that our latest round of survey results continues to prove just that. And these numbers don’t lie–CoEd’s Scholarship & Youth Development Program is changing lives...

What You Accomplished in Guatemala in 2013

Can you believe that January is already halfway over?? Those New Year’s resolutions you made may have already come and gone (if not, let us help you keep them!), but we think that there’s still time to look back on all that your generosity accomplished in...

Infographic: The Benefits of Educating Girls

Today’s post is all about girl power (the Spice Girls would be so proud). Educating girls in developing countries has gotten a lot of buzz lately with the release of the Girl Rising documentary and we were lucky enough to be at the Cincinnati showing a few weeks...

Infographic: Why Does Education in Guatemala Matter?

Allow us to paint a vivid picture for you of what a good education means for a Guatemalan student and how difficult it can be to attain through our new infographic. This is why CoEd provides textbook, computer, literacy, and scholarship programs to break even one...