Sparking a Love for Literacy

Here at CoEd, we often get questions about how our programs operate in Guatemala. “Do you hire teachers or send volunteers to teach in Guatemala?”, “Do you start your own schools?”, “How on earth does a non-profit in Cincinnati, Ohio work with so many...

Students: The Future of Guatemala

A disheartening 90% of kids in rural Guatemala who are living in poverty never graduate from high school. This means that schools in rural Guatemala are essentially dropout factories continuing the cycle of illiteracy and limited opportunities. [1] According to USAID,...

Rosa: Walking the Path to a Brighter Future

Eighth-grader Rosa is no stranger to hard work. She regularly helps her mother in the fields to raise additional income and tends to the family’s own crops and livestock. And if that wasn’t enough, she also walks 30 minutes each way to school every day, scaling steep,...

Will you be a force for good this holiday season?

As 2021 finally winds down, we reflect on what strange times we are living through. These last two years have been packed with uncertainty and unprecedented challenges. Although this is mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Guatemala has also suffered the effects of...

Introducing CoEd Badges!

What are CoEd badges? CoEd badges are our little way of celebrating the ways you are breaking the cycle of poverty in Guatemala through education! You can earn badges by joining one of our giving societies like our Legacy Society, Leadership Circle, or The...

Give by December 31 and your gift will be matched up to $25,000!

If you’re anything like me, you’re breathing a sigh of relief as 2020 comes to a close. I’m sure we’re all looking forward to putting this strange and challenging year behind us once and for all. Yet there’s also a sense of apprehension, as we wonder, “What more could...