Our Newest Textbook Program Teachers Sound Off

This year our Textbook Program expanded to 16 new middle schools in the regions of El Quiché, Chimaltenango, Sacatepéquez, Quetzaltenango, Totonicapán, and Sololá. In June we surveyed the teachers at these schools to get their thoughts on how the program has begun to...

Who is Your Hero?

It’s a bit of an understatement to say that we’re grateful for the amazing supporters we have at Cooperative for Education.  You make it possible for thousands—yes THOUSANDS—of students in Guatemala to have textbooks, computers, scholarships, and better...

What You Accomplished in Guatemala in 2013

Can you believe that January is already halfway over?? Those New Year’s resolutions you made may have already come and gone (if not, let us help you keep them!), but we think that there’s still time to look back on all that your generosity accomplished in...

The Human Right to Education

It’s a busy week over here at CoEd! Fall Fiesta is Saturday, so we’re busy bees preparing to welcome all of YOU amazing folks to join us at Paul Brown Stadium.  We. Can’t. Wait. There’s still time to buy a ticket if you haven’t snagged...