A few weeks ago, the current scholarship students took a field trip as part of our youth development program to local businesses in order to learn first-hand how they operate. This is an extremely valuable experience for our students; many come from situations which make it hard to imagine doing anything besides subsistence farming, even as the agricultural sector declines in the region.
Scholarships students from Cerritos 2

Some of the scholarship students visited a factory of Ecofiltro, a company that produces water filters made with an innovative Guatemalan design that uses raw natural materials and is 100% effective in water purification. While there, the students learned about corporate social responsibility (a largely unfamiliar concept in Guatemala), environmentally friendly business models, promotion of concern for human health, and entrepreneurship.

Workshop on Vulnerability
Outside of field trips, students build meaningful community with other scholarship students, explore life issues in facilitated workshops, and—perhaps most importantly—dream about their future. CoEd staff encourage students to have confidence in themselves and their ability to achieve their own dreams, whatever they are. Samuel Buc, our scholarship coordinator, explains explained to us that:

“The concept of the program is to empower them as agents of their own growth and help them to develop the self-esteem, skills, and values that will enable them to reach their goals.”

By supporting students in the Scholarship and Youth Development Program, you are helping each and every one fight for their future, the future of the local community, and the future of Guatemala. We are most sincerely grateful for how you are changing lives.