We’ve been a bit quiet over at Bookmarks this week, but that’s because we’re still recovering from the best Fall Fiesta ever! Final numbers will be announced next week, but our preliminary estimates tell the story of how much fun you had. Thanks to you, we had a sellout crowd with us at Paul Brown Stadium on Saturday. Also joining us was former NFL player Dhani Jones and BowTie Cause for the launch of the CoEd Bow Tie! For this edition of Friday Photo Fiesta here are our favorite photos of people in our Bow Tie on Saturday night.

Dhani Jones Bow Tie Cause

Dhani with our other guest of honor – Ancelma Ortiz

Did you snap a favorite photo in your own CoEd Bowtie? Post it to our Facebook page and show the world you’re proud to support CoEd and the kids in Guatemala! 

Bow Tie cause 1

BowTie Cause 2

Dhani even showed the ladies how to #tieoneon and rock a bowtie!

Bow Tie Cause 3
Bow Tie Cause 5
Jealous of how snazzy they all look? Don’t have yours yet? Order one today – before we run out!

Where is the last place you wore a bow tie?