Hopeful sunshine
Dear Supporters,

Many of you have likely read about the political situation currently taking place in Guatemala. Both President Otto Perez Molina and Vice President Roxana Baldetti have stepped down after being charged with several corruption offenses. While this is currently making international news, political scandals in Guatemala are nothing new, and CoEd has ridden the waves with little interruption for decades.

As our General Director Rony Mejía said, political leaders come and go, but CoEd’s work has continued for 20 years and counting. Our relationships and interventions take place on the community level, and those collaborations remain strong and unwavering. We are still working together every day in over 200 schools across the country to provide life changing educational opportunities to Guatemalan students.

We are optimistic that the current situation is the dawning of a new day in Guatemala – a day when people in power no longer have impunity and are held accountable for their actions; a day when citizens embrace the power of peaceful protests and working together toward a common goal; and a day when all Guatemalans realize they have a voice and really can transform their communities, their country and maybe even the world.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our work in Guatemala and for providing a brighter future for the children we serve. We value your friendship more than you know. As this situation continues to unfold, we will keep you informed of CoEd’s response in our ongoing efforts to improve education and break the cycle of poverty in Guatemala.

Jeff and Joe Signature no background




Joe Berninger & Jeff Berninger
Co-Founders of Cooperative for Education