We can hardly believe it’s been a year since we signed the deed to our new home base in Guatemala. We have our generous benefactor to thank for the initial purchase—but you all have really stepped up, too! Our benefactor left us the challenge of raising additional funds toward the full cost of the renovation and move-in, and by the end of this year, we will have received $149,850 for this purpose!

The best part is—you can literally see the changes all this support has brought about. The grounds of our Education Center are no longer a construction site underway, but a campus taking shape as construction debris is being cleared.



We’ve been hard at work on:

  • Installing interior doors
  • Selecting conference room tables
  • Negotiating better prices on equipment for the computer lab by purchasing in conjunction with all of the CoEd Computer Centers renewing their equipment this year
  • Partnering with an interior designer to make sure we get a space that’s both fun and functional to last us for the long haul

Here’s a teaser of the types of activities we’ll be able to bring on-site, all thanks to our new campus:

CORP teacher trainings

A 2015 class of CORP teachers celebrates their graduation from the program. Future CORP teachers will benefit from some on-site training seminars at the new education center.

technology exploration in a model computer lab

A model computer lab will provide space for staff, students, and teachers alike to explore new technologies—just like they did in this 2015 microprocessor training.

Scholarship and Youth Development Program activities

The new education center will offer plenty of space for Scholarship and Youth Development Program activities such as this 2015 mock interview.

storage for textbooks and other learning tools

The new center will provide a central place to store all the CoEd textbooks awaiting distribution—just imagine getting to load AND unload books on your next tour! Awesome, right? (Just kidding; we know you’re not pack mules.)

As the move-in draws closer, we’re getting more and more excited about the possibilities for our future. AND we can’t wait to celebrate it with all of you! The inauguration activities are set for 2017 during our February tours, so reserve your spot today. We hope to see you all then!