A Vision for the Future
“I have a grand dream that CoEd will lead educational development in all of Guatemala.” Augusto Bal, long-time CoEd staff member, is dedicated to turning this vision into reality as your new Subdirector of Programs. “I believe that we have the capacity to put...
Learning How to Learn
Fermy, the principal and first- and second-grade teacher at El Rosario primary school recalls: “When CoEd came to ask if we would like to enter the Culture of Reading Program (CORP), I said: ‘Yes, I want to do it. I want to learn. I want to develop myself so that I...
The Martyrs of Cantel
This February, over 60 volunteers traveled to Guatemala on a Cooperative for Education tour to deliver textbooks, inaugurate computer centers, visit Culture of Reading Program classrooms, and meet or reunite with their Scholarship Program students. It was a...
Margaret Amara on Returning to Her Daughter’s Birth Country
Last month, you read about Kelsey Amara's travels back to Guatemala, the country of her birth. She made her first return trip with her parents Margaret and Mark in 2004 and her second as a solo journey in 2017. The Amaras were one of the first adoptive families to...
Becoming Servant Leaders
Music: "Follow Your Dreams" by Scott Holmes, www.scottholmesmusic.com Want to empower a student to become a leader in their community? Did you know that by supporting the Scholarship & Youth Development Program you not only help students graduate—you help them...