‘Tis the Season: For Rise Student Packets

It’s officially Fall! And you know what that means—no, not pumpkin spiced lattes (but we admit we love them too)—it’s Rise student packet season! The time of year when students in the Rise Youth Development Program get to showcase their accomplishments and share...

Update on CoEd’s Response to COVID-19

While many of us in the U.S. are seeing COVID-19 risks diminish, unfortunately, case numbers in Guatemala are still on the rise and their vaccine rollout has faced numerous problems and delays. We at CoEd are very concerned about this situation and are taking every...

Introducing CoEd Badges!

What are CoEd badges? CoEd badges are our little way of celebrating the ways you are breaking the cycle of poverty in Guatemala through education! You can earn badges by joining one of our giving societies like our Legacy Society, Leadership Circle, or The...

Carmen: Seeing Challenges as Opportunities

Rise Program student Carmen completed her teaching practicum in the midst of COVID-19. Here she is delivering a virtual lesson to her students! Students like Carmen are proof that CoEd’s Rise Youth Development Program serves some remarkable young women. Through a...

2020 Report Card

Report cards are in! 2020 was a wild ride (to say the least), but we’re excited and proud to share how our programs performed last year, despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic. Although schools were physically closed last year, students in our...