In June, we announced the date of Fall Fiesta 2014: A Stroll through the Markets of Guatemala (Saturday, October 18, 2014, in case you need a refresher). Get ready for Big Announcement Part Deux…

Two VIPs will be attending Fall Fiesta to share their special story with YOU.

Juan and Maria Tacaxoy

Juan and Maria Tacaxoy want to meet you at Fall Fiesta!

Some of you have met the Tacaxoy family. Many of you have heard of them. All of you now have the chance to meet Maria and Juan Tacaxoy at Fall Fiesta. That’s right; this sibling duo is traveling all the way from Guatemala to Cincinnati to meet you.

Maria Tacaxoy (6)

Here’s little Maria when we first met her over a decade ago.

Maria Tacaxoy is the oldest of four children. We met when a group of volunteers spent the morning at her elementary school on the shores of Lake Atitlan in Santiago Atitlan. Maria was on the verge of dropping out of school when she met Joe and Rebecca Berninger (you may have heard of  them…) when they visited her school in Santiago Atitlan. Fortuitously, bright, young Maria was accepted into CoEd’s Scholarship & Youth Development program so she could continue her education!

Over the years, several caring individuals have stepped up to sponsor Maria, Juan, and their siblings’ education. Their success story is inspiring—not only was Maria the first one in her family to graduate from high school, but Maria and Juan have both gone on to study tourism at the university level. They are proud of their Mayan heritage and culture, and want to be able to preserve and share it with those who visit their beautiful country. Now they are turning this dream into a reality.

Maria Tacaxoy

Maria has had a chance to practice sharing the story of her Mayan heritage with many visitors on CoEd tours – do you remember meeting her or Juan?

Thanks to the support of people like you, the Tacaxoy family has been able to overcome a multitude of obstacles. Poverty is no longer standing in their way to a bright future, and we cannot wait to help them celebrate their success. Plus, Maria and Juan have been practicing their English diligently so that they can say “thank you” in person.

Join us at Paul Brown Stadium on October 18, 2014 for an unforgettable evening of laughter, stellar auction items, and an inspiring story of perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds. You won’t want to miss this one, so buy your ticket before it sells out!

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