After sixteen years in existence, we here at the Cooperative for Education (CoEd) have collected quite a few stories; stories that we want to share with YOU, our friends and supporters. What better way to disclose these anecdotes, narratives and photos than to collect them in one central location (to “bookmark” them if you will) in a CoEd blog?!

Our old Conference room was a living room that Jennifer, Jessica, Katie and Gina all called an office.
We are extremely excited about this blog, especially because it is being launched in conjunction with the official dedication of our new US office. We recently moved out of the cramped 3-bedroom home that we called “office” for 15 years, and are now in a more typical workplace environment (bonus: our very own conference room!).
The office move has allowed CoEd to reach new heights, improving its effectiveness and efficiency in furthering its mission to break the cycle of poverty in Guatemala through education. Throughout the pages of this blog, you can expect inspirational stories of education in Guatemala, ways to get involved, behind-the-scenes tours of CoEd, interviews with the people who make CoEd possible, share-able videos, photos, quotes and more! Consider it a one-stop shop for all your CoEd-related needs.

CoEd staff in the conference room at the new office. It not only holds the entire US staff, but allows for video conferencing with the entire Guatemala staff!
We are so happy you are here to share this exciting time with us. We don’t want one more day to go by without divulging and documenting the life and times of this organization. After all, these accounts are part of the evolving story of CoEd—we are growing physically in our new office space and we are growing mentally and emotionally with all of you through this blog. This means we want to hear from you. Leave comments, share posts with friends, add us to your feed reader and interact with us!
¡Bienvenidos a Bookmarks! We can’t wait to get started.