While everyone is counting down the most memorable stories of 2012, we thought we’d share one final story this year that gives us hope for the future of Guatemala and the kids you will impact through your generosity next year.

This is the story of Santos Ixcoy of Patzcamán, Guatemala…

One day of labor on a farm. Maybe $3-4 dollars in wages. Not much money by any measure – especially when trying to support eight children, like Santos Ixcoy. However, a day for Santos without this income could mean a night going to bed hungry so his kids don’t have to. So why would Santos miss a day’s work? Why would he travel by foot with his wife and children to the school of his eldest son, Joel?

Because today is not just any day for Santos and his family. It is a momentous turning point. Today is the day that Joel will get textbooks through CoEd. “What I hope for my kids is that they can have better lives than us (my wife and me). We hope that they can move forward and have brighter futures.” Now that the school is participating in CoEd’s textbook program, he believes his children have a real chance to make his dream a reality. He explains, “Before, the books available for us to buy were very expensive and we couldn’t afford them, so we didn’t have any books at all, and there isn’t a library here.”

Without these basic tools, Joel’s goal to be a teacher one day would be virtually impossible. Now he has the materials he needs to learn, and to begin his teaching career a bit early by sharing information from the books with his younger brothers and sisters. “Before getting the textbooks, we had to copy everything and it was very difficult. Now it is so much better!”

Santos beams with pride, listening to his son’s excitement. A brighter future for his children truly is possible.

Heartfelt thanks for how you’ve impacted Guatemala in 2012. Happy New Year from all of the CoEd staff!