With Father’s Day coming up this weekend we wanted to pass along what it means for a father in Guatemala to have your help in supporting his daughter’s education through a scholarship.  Manuel Antonio Bucú Ixjotop, father of Hilda
Bucú Yucuté, now a scholarship graduate, spoke during the Snapshot Tour 2007 and gave the following message to the volunteers present that day. His words continue to ring true, so we’re reposting them today.

Hilda & Manuel Bucu

Hilda is now a scholarship graduate but at the time her father gave this speech was still in middle school.

I wish each of you a very good day and a warm salutation to the principal, to the teachers, the students, the parents, and to everyone present – a very warm welcome to each of you. I wish to especially greet the members of CoEd and the people who come from the United States who support our children. Please feel welcome in Santiago, Sacatepéquez.

From the very bottom of my heart I wish to thank the people who are supporting our youth through scholarships. I am certain that if it weren’t for the scholarships for our children, it would have been very difficult for us to pay for their education.

I have two children in this school and I am only paying for one; even though tuition is low at this school, I often have difficulty paying the fee. Thank you to the principal and all the teachers for their understanding. You can imagine, if I am having trouble paying for just one child, how hard it would be for me to pay for both. But, thanks to God, to CoEd and to our patrons, we have been able to arrive where we are today.

I am sure that I am not the only one who feels blessed by my daughter’s scholarship, but that for all the mothers and fathers, the scholarships have been a great help and blessing of God. We hope in God that the scholarships continue, as we know that so many parents wish for their children to be able to study and many children wish to learn – but can’t, because of the lack of funds. We ask CoEd to continue giving scholarships because many people really need them.

I have a deep feeling in my heart but an inability to express it. Many, many thanks to CoEd and to the people of the United States, a nation that overflows with help for the needs of the world. May God bless the United States.

We are proud to have generous friends like you that help Manuel’s daughter’s dreams for an education become a reality.