Music: “Follow Your Dreams” by Scott Holmes,

Want to empower a student to become a leader in their community?

Sponsor a Student

Did you know that by supporting the Scholarship & Youth Development Program you not only help students graduate—you help them become the leaders of their communities?

They do this by participating in intensive youth development activities like workshops, field trips, and community service projects that help them overcome the obstacles they face and become the best version of themselves. For example, each year, the students form a council to plan and execute a project that will fill a need or solve a problem in their community. They talk to local officials (like the mayor) to identify a problem, and then they use their own knowledge and skills to work toward a solution. By doing this each year, they become confident in their ability to create real change in the world around them, and they form a habit of serving others!

Click the video above to see how one group of students became leaders in 2017!