The dynamic travel blogging duo of Randy (Beers) and Beth (Beans) are in the middle of something exciting. After travelling to Guatemala with CoEd last summer, they were so inspired by their experience that they decided to use their wildly popular travel blog,, to fundraise two computer workstations at the Computer Center they visited on tour. And so their fundraising brainchild, Guatemala Week, was born. Round two of Guatemala week is this week so be sure to watch Facebook and Twitter for their new posts!

Randy with CORP student

Beers & Beans’ own Randy Kalp cheezin’ with a Guatemalan student during one of the school visits

We wanted to make it easy for you to follow their efforts, so have compiled all of their blog posts about Guatemala and CoEd in one place for your reading and viewing pleasure (seriously, some of these photos are ridiculously amazing). Check it out!

It’s Guatemala Week! Read Stories, Enter Our Raffle & Win a Prize Pack!: Beers & Beans lay out their fundraising plan and why they feel so passionately about bringing technology to rural Guatemala. Plus you get a chance to win a PRIZE PACK for donating! Interest piqued yet?

Eat, Weave, Smile: A Guatemalan Home Visit: Find out what a typical Guatemalan home is like and see photos of homemade tortillas that will cause your mouth to water and stomach to rumble

Home Visit

The smiling family Beers & Beans visited. Photo via

Finding Our Voices (and Purpose) in Panajxit, Guatemala: Read about why Beers & Beans can now relate to Mick Jagger in the 60’s. Also, catch a glimpse of the school they are fundraising for!

Education – Give the Gift That Keeps on Giving!: Why is the gift of computer knowledge so important? Find out here.

Fist Pump

This kid knows how exciting new computers can be!
Photo via

All the Beautiful Children of Panajxit – A Photo Essay: Just look at these pictures. DO IT NOW.

Girl outside school

Just a quick sample of the great photography in this post. Photo via

5 Reasons to Volunteer with CoEd in Guatemala Besides the Kids: Relaxation, boat rides and breathtaking views. Need I say more? (No, because you can read about it for yourself!)

A Little Help From Our Friends: Gogobot Joins Our Cause: Gogobot wins major points for jumping on the donation bandwagon in a huge way!

Big News! New Sponsor, Raffle Prize and Updates for Our Guatemala Fundraiser: Read about some very exciting updates to the fundraiser and find out how to help!

Ok, so now that you are completely caught up on this whirlwind of a fundraiser, I’m sure you are itching to help out! Beers & Beans is nearly 3/4 of the way to their $2,000 goal and they need your help! Check out their fundraising page to make a contribution and become a part of this exciting campaign. The fundraiser will end on January 31st, so the clock is ticking!

What’s your favorite Beers & Beans blog post?