Founding member of the CoEd Best Friends Club Ryan Van Duzer took a week out of his hectic schedule to get the inside scoop on what it’s like to live in rural Guatemala. He spent four days with two different families who have children in our Scholarship & Youth Development Program. The footage he recorded speaks volumes about the difficulties of living in rural Guatemala and the barriers to education that exist for these families. Barriers that you are helping us break down!

And of course, there’s also some laughter… and games… and cake…

Take a few minutes to watch Ryan’s video diaries. It is truly eye-opening to see the poverty surrounding these families, and the determination these girls have to succeed in school despite the obstacles.

Wendy is one of ONE THOUSAND GIRLS who will benefit from our Thousand Girls Initiative. Without a CoEd scholarship, Wendy will not be able to stay in school. Instead she will stay at home to help her mom with all of the household chores you just saw. It takes a lot of work to put food on the table in Guatemala. Her parents would be glad to have Wendy’s helping hands in the kitchen full-time.

But instead, Wendy’s education will be paid for by a generous sponsor, and she will learn valuable life skills through CoEd’s Youth Development program. Instead of becoming another statistic, Wendy has the chance to become a teacher, a doctor or whatever else she puts her mind to—she has the ability to dream because she won’t be forced to drop out.

She will be given the life-changing gift of education.

We hope you will help us spread the word about the Thousand Girls Initiative. We hope you will help us bring the life-changing gift of education to one thousand girls in Guatemala. Let’s get started right now!