5 Reasons CoEd Supporters are Awesome

You know we love you, right? Because we really, really do. We love your passion, your enthusiasm and how much fun we have with those of you who come down to see our programs in action or join us at our biggest party of the year. We love how invested you are in...

Centerville High School Spirit Chain

WE’VE GOT SPIRIT, YES WE DO. WE’VE GOT SPIRIT, HOW ‘BOUT…. CENTERVILLE HIGH SCHOOL?! The answer to that question is a resounding YES. Centerville High School recently held their annual Spirit Chain competition, where they select one charity to...

640 Challenge Run Ride Read

One of our favorite aspects of this blog is that we get to introduce you to some really cool things that our supporters initiate to help CoEd. This is one of those stories. Chris Bailey, a Rotarian from the Cayman Islands, joined us in Guatemala in February for his...

Why we go to Guatemala

We’re happy to welcome our good friend (and über-talented photographer) Rebecca Wilks to Bookmarks today. She’s traveled to Guatemala seven times over the last seven years and has been there to see the student she sponsors grow into a lovely young woman....

Donor Spotlight: Ciro Farina Talks About Planned Giving

Ciro Farina and CoEd go waaaaaay back–I’m talking farther back than CoEd itself here, people! Read on for our interview with one of our most stalwart supporters and how his path crossed with the CoEd family. Tell us a little bit about yourself. I was born...

How seeing Guatemala’s schools changed my career

Meet CoEd supporter Lauren Luken Reed.  Lauren is a second grade teacher at South Avondale Elementary in Cincinnati and it was her trip to Guatemala in 2002 that changed the trajectory of her career. Thanks for joining us on Bookmarks today, Lauren.  When did you...