The Life of a Guatemalan Mother

“What do you eat with your tortillas?” someone asked Maria Berta.  “Sometimes there’s salt,” she replied. Maria Berta had welcomed Cooperative for Education volunteers into her home in Cerritos Asunción, Guatemala after we inaugurated the Culture of Reading Program at...

Literacy in Guatemala

Imagine you are seven years old and have never come in contact with a single book. This is reality for many rural Guatemalan children. CoEd’s Culture of Reading Program is transforming these students into competent, enthusiastic readers. Click here to learn how you...

How YOU can change lives in Guatemala

In case you are new to CoEd, this video is the best introduction we can give you. Find out how CoEd’s educational programs in Guatemala are changing the lives of children, families, and program graduates. Then check out the many easy ways for you to join our...

How to Keep the Most Common New Year’s Resolutions

¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? Or do you skip the resolutions because you’ve realized that the price of a year-long gym membership is a lot less appealing when you stop using it in March (womp womp)? We have been called...

Rockin’ the Bow Tie for #GivingTuesday 2013

Why do you rock a CoEd Bow Tie on #GivingTuesday? We asked and here’s what you had to say about wearing the CoEd Bow Tie. Why do you support education in Guatemala this #GivingTuesday?

Participate in #GivingTuesday in 3 Simple Steps

The chill in the air,  the uptick in Best Buy commercials and the ever-present threat of having to scrape your car windshield in the frigid morning temps can only mean one thing…. #GivingTuesday* is upon us!  Help us create some buzz on social media this #Giving...