¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? Or do you skip the resolutions because you’ve realized that the price of a year-long gym membership is a lot less appealing when you stop using it in March (womp womp)?

We have been called eternal optimists before (that’s a good thing, right??), but we think we just might have the winning recipe to make this year’s resolutions stick!

Here is our best advice for keeping the most common New Year’s resolutions:

1. Exercise: When the Snapshot Tour spends the night by Lake Atitlan, Joe is always eager for volunteers to join him for an excruciating endurance marathon beautiful sunrise run that culminates in a dip in the lake.

Jumping in Atitlan

Not pictured: Joe shampooing his hair…

2. Learn Something New: Travel to Antigua to learn Spanish before joining us for a Snapshot Tour or find a Spanish school in your hometown.

Cerra de la Cruz

You might even learn something new while on the tour – like how to make tortillas!

Making Tortillas

3. Quit Smoking: It’s hazardous to your health to be on fire.  The easiest way to keep this resolution is to avoid strapping fireworks to yourself.


Resist the urge to light one up by reminding yourself how dangerous smoking can be…

4. Volunteer: Whether you’re in Cincinnati and can volunteer in our office or want to use your vacation to volunteer in Guatemala, we’ve got plenty of ideas for how you can help!

volunteering in Guatemala

5. Read More: Easiest of all the resolutions to keep—click the subscribe button on the sidebar to receive blog posts right in your inbox!

What is your New Year’s resolution?