Why do you rock a CoEd Bow Tie on #GivingTuesday?

We asked and here’s what you had to say about wearing the CoEd Bow Tie.

Dhani Jones Bow Tie Cause

“Because CoEd’s doing incredible work in Guatemala so how can I not #tieoneon?” —Dhani Jones, former Bengals Football Player

Josh and Chuck SYSK

“Because any chance to look cool and help little kids at the same time is a double win.” —Josh and Chuck, Stuff You Should Know Podcasters

Randy Kalp BeersandBeans

“If you’re going to tie one on this season, why not help the kids of Guatemala at the same time?! :)” —Randy Kalp, Beers of BeerandBeans.com Travel Bloggers

Henry and Jamie Gieseke

“We would like to challenge Jeff and Joe Berninger as brothers who are also superfly bow tie guys!
Thanks Co-Ed and Dhani for helping us support literacy in our birth country with style!” —Henry and Jamie Gieseke, adopted from Guatemala

Kevin Berlon3

“Not only does it show my support of CoEd, it shows off my manly physique!” —Kevin Berlon

Bowties for CoEd

“Because literacy is always in style.” —Ed McCarter, CoEd Board of Trustees President


“Because I’ve been looking all over for a Gatsby-inspired hair accessory.” —Ann Dempsey

Don Laughlin

“Because it’s the most stylish way to spread the word about CoEd.” —Don Laughlin

feminine way to wear a bow tie

“To show there’s a feminine way to wear a bow tie for CoEd too.” —Jenn Sands

Why do you support education in Guatemala this #GivingTuesday?