Fernando Augusto Gonzalez: Learning to read, reaching for the stars.

Fernando Augusto Gonzalez thinks about his parents all of the time. He wonders where they are; he imagines what they might be doing in that particular moment. Maybe, just maybe, they’re thinking about him, too. Fernando lives with his grandparents in the impoverished,...

Voices of CoEd: Tanya—Determined to Succeed

The second-grade classroom at Pachalí Primary School is humid. A fly buzzes from desk to desk, circling in wide, lazy arcs in an attempt to distract the students’ attention from the front of the room. But teacher Regina Cabjón is reading—and the students are too...

The Human Right to Education

It’s a busy week over here at CoEd! Fall Fiesta is Saturday, so we’re busy bees preparing to welcome all of YOU amazing folks to join us at Paul Brown Stadium.  We. Can’t. Wait. There’s still time to buy a ticket if you haven’t snagged...

Ismelia Ajuyos: Getting Lost in Learning

As a child, it is easy to get lost. Not lost, as in disappearing into a large throng of people (although, unfortunately, that is also easy to do), but lost, as in vanishing into an activity and becoming so captivated that you completely disconnect with the outside...

CORP Book Review: Lions and Tigers and Quetzales, Oh My!

A big part of our Culture of Reading Program (endearingly referred to as CORP) is providing primary school teachers with up to 192 high-quality story books to foster the love of reading in their students. We are often asked about the books we provide—thus our newest...