Patt and Katie Carmack had it all planned out. The mother-daughter duo booked their tickets and packed their bags. They were ready for CoEd’s Snapshot tour to Guatemala. There was just one thing left to do… sponsor a scholarship student!

That’s right–Patt and Katie sponsored a student in anticipation of their trip. Brilliant! They got to learn about their student beforehand, and then received the immediate satisfaction of meeting her in person. What a great way to start off a relationship! Patt and Katie were not disappointed. They spent a wonderful afternoon with Silvia, and are now more connected than ever to Silvia’s educational aspirations.

Patt and Katie in Guate

Patt and Katie Carmack made the most of their trip to Guatemala by sponsoring a child ahead of time!

Thinking about making the trip to Guatemala with CoEd (hint hint)? Sponsor a student before the tour begins (ahem, Feb. 18-23, 2014) to guarantee getting to meet them in person. The process is now easier than ever with our handy dandy scholarship webpage. Check it out to meet the students awaiting your sponsorship!

It’s nearly impossible not to fall in love with the students in Guatemala. Take it from Michele MacMaster, who has sponsored students Maria and Amanda since 2011, and gets to visit them regularly. Their heartfelt reunions prove that sponsoring a scholarship student is a truly unique way to foster a personal connection and positively affect someone’s life. Make your own connection today

Michele and scholarship student

Michele and Amanda reunite during the Snapshot tour in Guatemala. Let the waterworks commence.

Next year’s tour dates are set–join us in Guatemala from February 18-23 or July 29—August 3, 2014… and make a personal connection with someone who will truly benefit from your compassion and generosity!

Have you ever made a strong personal connection with someone from another country?