Small Business Spotlight

CoEd supporters are the greatest. You’re generous, kind, silly, adventurous, compassionate, and a little competitive, too. (We’re talking about you, Rick and Rich!) Each of you has a story of what motivates you to help students in Guatemala and it gives us great...

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Education Center Dedication

“It was just like a wedding. You look out and you see all these people who you love and who have meant so much to you over the years.” —Joe Berninger It really was a special experience to dedicate the new education center with so many of you last month. Per the norm,...

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Our favorite time of the year – February Project Tours

Like Christmas or summer vacation, we eagerly anticipate the February tour season each year. We spend a jam packed few weeks with supporters delivering books, inaugurating computer labs, reading with students, and meeting scholarship students. Bus rides into the...

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Orlando Chile Bucú: Turning Skills into Success

“Tonight, please complete the even problems on page 268 and show up ready to compare your work with a partner’s tomorrow.” Many of us recognize these words as a typical end to a typical math class. But for students in rural Guatemala, there is nothing typical about...

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Shout Out to Our Canadian Friends

A little over a year ago, we announced the birth of Canadian Friends of Cooperative for Education, our partner organization in Canada! Since then, Canadians have been coming out of the woodwork to help raise money for deserving kids in Guatemala. They’re presenting to...

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