150,000 Students Served

What does it feel like to help 150,000 students in Guatemala? That's right, we're asking YOU, because you've been a key part of CoEd's success! Comment below with your answer, then scroll back up and read or listen as CoEd founders Joe and Jeff respond to...

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Our New Vision Statement

Happy 2017, everyone! What changes and new adventures are you anticipating this year? What revelations have you had as you look back on 2016? Here at CoEd, our pondering and reflecting led us to an important conclusion: it was time to update our vision statement. This...

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Our Newest Textbook Program Teachers Sound Off

This year our Textbook Program expanded to 16 new middle schools in the regions of El Quiché, Chimaltenango, Sacatepéquez, Quetzaltenango, Totonicapán, and Sololá. In June we surveyed the teachers at these schools to get their thoughts on how the program has begun to...

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All Noe Wants Is a Hug

Dear CoEd supporters, Here at CoEd we never stop giving thanks for you, and we hope you have much to be thankful for as well. As the gift-giving season kicks off, we wanted to share with you a special story of a third-grade student named Noe. Earlier this year as part...

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Top 7 Moments of Fall Fiesta 2016

We partied hard this weekend at our 20th birthday bash, and guess what—it paid off! (literally) Your enthusiasm and support for students in Guatemala was truly inspiring, and we can't thank you enough for all you did to make the night a success. Let's get straight to...

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