Expanding the Vision

What's so great about being a naïve twenty-something? Joe and Jeff explain it all in this third segment of our 20th anniversary interview with CoEd's founders. Find out what their initial vision of CoEd was and how it expanded over time. You might just get...

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Mobile Computer Centers Reach Students at New Heights

Imagine this…you live in a tiny town high in the mountains of Guatemala. The wind whips dense clouds across your path as you walk the dirt road to school every morning, obscuring your vision and soaking through your sweater. Your town is so far removed from the rest...

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There’s No Place Like Home

It feels like a dream come true—a former school campus in Guatemala transformed into an Education Center that will serve as our new home base for in-country operations for generations to come. Thanks to the generosity of our anonymous benefactor—and the overwhelming...

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What Mom and Dad Said

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to start your own nonprofit organization and grow it successfully for 20 years? Last month we posted the first part of our interview with Cooperative for Education founders Joe and Jeff Berninger. They talked about...

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CoEd Honored by Long-Time Textbook Program Community

On September 1st, nearly 300 people gathered in the town of Santiago Sacatepéquez to watch as Guatemala’s Ministry of Education bestowed its Merit of Honor Award on one worthy institution in the region of Sacatepéquez—and that institution was CoEd! According to our...

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