Textbook Inaugurations: Now and Then

Textbook Inaugurations: Now and Then

For those who’ve been on a CoEd tour to Guatemala in the past, you know what it’s like to attend a Textbook Program inauguration, a gathering of people from near and far to welcome a new school into the program.This past year looked a little different though. Schools...

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Guatemala’s Education System 101

Guatemala’s Education System 101

Class is in session! Welcome to Guatemala's Education System 101. School systems work differently in every country around the world and you may be curious as to how others differ from your own. Guatemala is a country near and dear to our hearts here at Cooperative for...

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20 Years of Service

20 Years of Service

This month, we are celebrating Howard Lobb's 20th work anniversary with CoEd!We think that deserves a celebration! For the past two decades, Howard has dedicated his life to helping children in Guatemala break the cycle of poverty through education. We are so thankful...

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Quetzal for a Cause Craft

Quetzal for a Cause Craft

Looking for a simple and fun, Guatemala-themed activity to do at home? Well, look no further! This craft is easy to make, and helps you or your kids get to know a little more about the national bird of Guatemala, the Quetzal. The Quetzal bird is near and dear to our...

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Carmen: Seeing Challenges as Opportunities

Carmen: Seeing Challenges as Opportunities

Rise Program student Carmen completed her teaching practicum in the midst of COVID-19. Here she is delivering a virtual lesson to her students!Students like Carmen are proof that CoEd’s Rise Youth Development Program serves some remarkable young women. Through a...

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