A little over a year ago, we announced the birth of Canadian Friends of Cooperative for Education, our partner organization in Canada! Since then, Canadians have been coming out of the woodwork to help raise money for deserving kids in Guatemala. They’re presenting to Rotary clubs, spreading the word among their friends and colleagues, and even carrying pictures of students who need scholarships to their doctors’ offices. (You know who you are…)

To continue fostering this partnership, we’ve established a Canadian Advisory Board, filled with amazing people who are passionate about helping kids in Guatemala. The board meets every other month, and members from all over Canada join virtual meetings to talk strategy, share successes, and dream up new ways to spread the word. Board member Greg Podmore says it was an easy decision to get involved because it gives him “the chance to help some lovely children work their way, through education, out of poverty, so they can make better lives.”


Greg had great fun in Guatemala.

He speaks fondly of his memories on tour in Guatemala, where students greeted his group with hand-drawn Canadian flags and he and his compatriots sang “O Canada” to show their country’s support. The best part for him, though, is the people he gets to know and interact with— inspiring people like you!

So if you’re Canadian, check us out and get in touch; we’d love to meet you! In fact, Colin Thacker, the president of Canadian Friends, told us he has a whole budget set aside just for taking supporters out for maple donuts at Tim Horton’s. (Okay we made that up, but you get the idea!) If you’re not Canadian, but know someone who is, send this post along to them. And if you lack links to the Great White North, rest assured that there are some rockstars in Canada making life better for kids in the Land of Eternal Spring.

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