Diego: Once a Student, Today a Teacher

Not too often do you see someone get the opportunity to return home and give back to the community that raised them, but Diego, at age 28, is doing just that! During his studies at Hacienda María, Diego took advantage of the textbooks and computers provided by...

Textbook Schools: Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands

Nestled in a small village in northern Sololá, the Pixabaj Cooperative School serves around 90 students each year. But students at Pixabaj are outperforming the national average in reading and math scores…can you guess how? They’re a part of Cooperative for...

Sparking a Love for Literacy

Here at CoEd, we often get questions about how our programs operate in Guatemala. “Do you hire teachers or send volunteers to teach in Guatemala?”, “Do you start your own schools?”, “How on earth does a non-profit in Cincinnati, Ohio work with so many...

Students: The Future of Guatemala

A disheartening 90% of kids in rural Guatemala who are living in poverty never graduate from high school. This means that schools in rural Guatemala are essentially dropout factories continuing the cycle of illiteracy and limited opportunities. [1] According to USAID,...

Travel Back through CoEd’s History

Last month, as a part of CoEd’s 25th anniversary, we took a glimpse into a future of possibilities! This time around, we’d like to take you on a giant leap back in time to the 20th century (cough—1996—cough) when CoEd was only just a dream beginning to...