Creating Interest in Our Future

This year marks Cooperative for Education’s 25th anniversary! That’s right—we’ve been working in Guatemala as a bona fide non-profit organization since 1997. And what does everyone do for milestone birthdays and anniversaries? Reflect on what we’ve accomplished in the...

2021 Report Card

Last year’s numbers are in! And unlike our PE grades in middle school, we can’t wait to bring them home to show you. 2021 was another challenging year–we all felt the effects of the pandemic in one way or another–but our spirits remained strong, and the...

Rosa: Walking the Path to a Brighter Future

Eighth-grader Rosa is no stranger to hard work. She regularly helps her mother in the fields to raise additional income and tends to the family’s own crops and livestock. And if that wasn’t enough, she also walks 30 minutes each way to school every day, scaling steep,...

Will you be a force for good this holiday season?

As 2021 finally winds down, we reflect on what strange times we are living through. These last two years have been packed with uncertainty and unprecedented challenges. Although this is mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Guatemala has also suffered the effects of...

‘Tis the Season: For Rise Student Packets

It’s officially Fall! And you know what that means—no, not pumpkin spiced lattes (but we admit we love them too)—it’s Rise student packet season! The time of year when students in the Rise Youth Development Program get to showcase their accomplishments and share...