Newsflash: YOU have the chance to meet your sponsored scholarship student in person on a CoEd tour to Guatemala. Exciting, right?!

It is a beautiful thing to see a scholarship student race across the park to greet their sponsor, excited to catch up and discuss their various school successes and challenges. Students often form lasting relationships with their sponsors as a result of the letters and photos sent back and forth each year, as well as the opportunity to actually spend time with their sponsors in Guatemala.

Watch the video below to hear about Gerrit and Carolee Terpstra’s decision to sponsor a scholarship student, and why the personal interaction they have with their student Sergio is so impactful.

The CoEd Scholarship & Youth Development Program is helping Guatemalan students continue their education, but many still need help. Meet these students here, and then consider meeting them in person on a CoEd tour to Guatemala. Begin your lasting relationship today.

What are your reasons for sponsoring a scholarship student?