CanadianFriendsIt’s time to brush up on your “ehs” and “aboots” because we’re heading to Canada!

It was a long, snowy road, but we finally finished crossing our t’s and dotting our i’s and are oh so pleased to announce that Canadian Friends of Cooperative for Education is our new Canadian partner. Its purpose is to provide scholarships for students and training for teachers and is carried out in partnership with CoEd’s programs in Guatemala.

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So what does this mean for our friends in the North? You can now directly support CoEd’s programs in Guatemala and receive a tax credit for your donation. That’s right; you can finally receive a tax credit for helping the incredibly deserving kids in Guatemala (cue the applause). This allows more Canadians (and even Canadian foundations) to get involved with our work. This is a big deal! A huge thank you to two of our favorite Canadians, Colin Thacker and Greg Podmore, for leading the charge on forming this dynamic new group. Both Rotarians have traveled to Guatemala on numerous occasions and helped shape the future of scores of kids. Just think of the number of kids you can help them reach now! CoEd2014_FebGLP_Katie - 057
So, now that you know about our exciting new partnership, it’s time to ask yourself two questions:

  1. Are you Canadian? If the answer is yes, please proceed to the next question.
  2. Would you like to set up a monthly donation to Canadian Friends of Cooperative for Education? If the answer is yes (and hopefully it is!), proceed to our online donation page today!

Donate Now

Thank you so much to all of our Canadian supporters for your patience and encouragement as we figured out how to set up this affiliate. We are thrilled to be taking this step to better serve your needs as you so generously serve the children of Guatemala.

**A quick point of clarification if you are a Canadian Rotarian whose cl
ub supports the Guatemala Literacy Project: your club will continue to give in the same way, as the tax credit is meant for individuals who want to sponsor a student or otherwise support CoEd’s work 
personally. However, we certainly hope that having a Canadian affiliate will help expand our reach throughout Canada in Rotary clubs and beyond!