Guatemala Field Report: Mario Yac Discusses the Textbook Program

Mario Yac, one of the Textbook Program’s fearless leaders, shares some valuable insight regarding one of the schools that entered the program this year. We visited Maria del Carmen on the February Snapshot tour, and the best word to describe the school would...

Katie’s Field Reports: Jose Luis using school to overcome heartache

If you had the chance to meet high school scholarship student Jose Luis, at first glance you might think he was too cool for school. Or maybe after a few minutes observing his lighthearted comical demeanor you’d label him as the class clown. I bet you wouldn’t guess...

Katie’s Field Report #5: Students Volunteering in Guatemala

If you’ve been on a CoEd Project Tour this view might look familiar. On the way to the High School scholarship students’ community service project, I almost felt like I was on a tour with CoEd supporters…headed through gorgeous mountains with a group of generous...

Katie’s Field Report #3: Jose Luis has GRIT

You may remember us talking about grit earlier this year.  It’s a fascinating topic and I’m reading a great book by Paul Tough called “How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character.” It cites research revealing the importance of...

Katie’s Guatemala Field Report #2: Field Trip to Masesa

Reporting from the field once more Katie’s got an update on her activities with CoEd’s scholarship students in Guatemala. Last week, the middle school scholarship students got to visit a corporate environment for a motorcycle import company and CoEd...