The Next 20 Years
We wrapped up our interview with CoEd founders Joe and Jeff by asking what they envision for the next 20 years of breaking the cycle of poverty in Guatemala. Their answer? Create integrated solutions to poverty in partnership with Idea Global, our partner...
Delivery! 2017 by the Numbers
The new school year got underway in Guatemala last month and we wanted to give you a quick look at what you're making possible in 2017. (And you know we can't pass up an opportunity to share cute photos!) So without further ado, take a look at the impressive numbers...
Now Presenting…Our New Director of International Programs
Ladies and gentlemen, people of good will and lovers of all things Guatemala, it is our distinct pleasure to present to you the newest member of CoEd’s senior staff. A long-time advocate for students and families, she’s worked on three continents, racked up almost a...
Getting Ready for the Big Day
We’re getting closer to the big day—the official launch of our Education Center in Guatemala as our new program headquarters! Major renovations are complete, the office furniture has been moved in, and we’re now getting chairs and tables delivered for conference rooms...
2017 Sneak Peek
Are you excited for 2017 with Guatemalan students yet!? 2015 was #Awesomeyear, 2016 was even better, and 2017 is gonna be the best yet. Take a peek at what lies in store for you, CoEd supporters: ONE Inaugurating our new Education Center, which will consolidate our...