Celebrating 20 Years of Service with Jessica Stieritz

Curious about the faces working behind-the-scenes at CoEd? Well, allow us to introduce one of our long-time staffers in the Cincinnati office, Jessica Stieritz! Jessica joined our Guatemala-loving team back in 2002 when CoEd was just a little tyke.   Now, 20 years...

CoEd’s Commitment to Equality

For the past 24 years, Cooperative for Education has fought against poverty, racism, and injustice in Guatemala. We seek to provide educational opportunities to rural, indigenous Guatemalans, who have historically suffered the highest levels of discrimination and...

A Vision for the Future

“I have a grand dream that CoEd will lead educational development in all of Guatemala.” Augusto Bal, long-time CoEd staff member, is dedicated to turning this vision into reality as your new Subdirector of Programs. “I believe that we have the capacity to put...

Staff Profile: Jess!

This month marks 15 years since our beloved Jess started working with CoEd! She serves as our Liaison to Rotary International and plays a key role in the Guatemala Literacy Project (GLP). The GLP is our collaboration with Rotarians and Rotary clubs around the world,...

The Next 20 Years

We wrapped up our interview with CoEd founders Joe and Jeff by asking what they envision for the next 20 years of breaking the cycle of poverty in Guatemala. Their answer? Create integrated solutions to poverty in partnership with Idea Global, our partner organization...

150,000 Students Served

What does it feel like to help 150,000 students in Guatemala? That’s right, we’re asking YOU, because you’ve been a key part of CoEd’s success! Comment below with your answer, then scroll back up and read or listen as CoEd founders Joe and Jeff...