Infographic: The Benefits of Educating Girls

Today’s post is all about girl power (the Spice Girls would be so proud). Educating girls in developing countries has gotten a lot of buzz lately with the release of the Girl Rising documentary and we were lucky enough to be at the Cincinnati showing a few weeks...

Scholarship Program: Past, Present & Future

Cooperative for Education is on a mission. Ok, obviously our main mission is to break the cycle of poverty in Guatemala through education. But our mission within that mission is to start providing scholarships to a whole lot more Guatemalan students– we are...

Mother’s Day Gift Idea

Thanking a woman who has dedicated her life to your well-being, education, and happiness is no small feat. She has poured her heart, time, and resources into shaping you into the best version of yourself. Your mother would give you the world if she could. What can you...